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Break the Cycle and Free Yourself to Move Forward

As we enter a new year, it is a time of renewed energy and reflection. Instead of focusing on New Year’s resolutions which seems like something we feel obligated to do, let’s focus on the bigger picture. What habit or cycle are you in that you want to break free from and why does it matter? The answer to the why in this question is really what is important. Why do you want to make this change in your life? Is it a bad habit or a pattern that has been passed down from generations in your family?

Change is all about making a conscious decision to start over or look at things in a new way to allow and accept a new outcome. We all understand what it means to identify and want change something in our lives that may not be working. But you might be asking why will this attempt to change be different. The difference is in understanding two important components which are the reasons why you want to make the change and how you want to feel.

Why do we often fall back into old patterns? I think we all know this answer … change is hard, and it takes a continual effort in order to really break old patterns. Making a change takes us out of our comfort zone and into unfamiliar territory uncovering feelings and emotions that we may not really want to experience. Staying in the familiar is where many of us tend to stay because we are comfortable and at least have a grasp on how to manage through what we already know. But is that what you really want? If you discover that making a change that will significantly impact your life for the better is something you choose to make, give yourself permission and encouragement to begin to release and heal old beliefs that no longer work for you.

So, the big question is where do you begin?

  1. Identify what change you desire to make.

  2. Answer the questions: Why do you want to make this change? Why is this important to you? How will it make you feel?

  3. What are three things you can do to begin to change this cycle or behavior?

  4. Put it into practice – every day. Make a conscious effort every day to make this change a reality in all areas of your life. Start with one area (work or personal) and then expand into more situations. Keep a log each day of how you have been able to take steps towards this important change. Keep track of where you couldn’t move forward and drill down into the reasons why?

  5. Accept and allow yourself to make and sustain this change for yourself (this is a key step in the process). If you have a moment of falling into the old behavior, stop and allow yourself to start again.

When answering the question why this change and now, remember to focus on positive words and actions to help create the momentum to fuel you forward. If you have a misstep, stop and choose to start again and break the cycle to free yourself to continue growing. Evolving Matters!


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