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Being Kind can Change Everything

As we enter the holiday season there may be a question on your mind around what can I do that will make a difference. The answer is to simply be kind. Kind to yourself. Kind to your friends and family. And kind to those in need.

I know it seems like such a basic concept but are we currently making that a part of our everyday life? I can honestly say that I can do better in this area especially when realizing what an impact can be made in someone’s life by simply offering a smile or a kind word.

The truth is that we don’t know what other people are dealing with or how our words or acknowledgement can affect them. One word of kindness or asking about something going on in their life can create a powerful momentum with ripple effects in many positive ways.

In my neighborhood right now, we have a very high homeless population. On every corner and in empty storefront doorways, you see people camped out with makeshift homes of cardboard boxes and blankets just trying to survive. And every time they ask someone for change and are treated as invisible how challenging it must be on them emotionally. We have one gentleman we see regularly, and I couldn’t offer any money but instead decided to look him in the eyes, give him a smile and say hello. He literally came to life right in front of my eyes. What a great and genuine smile he shared and was so appreciative of just being acknowledged. And now when we see him he never asks for money from me anymore, but we always say hello and wish each other well. He is not invisible any more … at least not to me!

Not long ago my sister told me a story about a boy that she went to school with that no one ever really talked to. And for some reason this one day she made it a point to say hi to him and to treat him kindly. She said she never really thought about it again until many years later she ran into him and he made a special effort to seek her out and talk to her. He reminded her of that day from so many years ago and what an impact it had on him. In fact, by her act of kindness to him that one unassuming day it literally kept him from committing suicide that very night. One simple act of kindness changed the course of his life forever.

A simple act of kindness can create a shift so powerful that the ripple effect reaches far beyond what we can imagine. Let go of the “what’s in it for me” thought and be intentional with a simple gift of kindness. The impact from your simple act of kindness will be far greater than you will ever likely know.

As you increase your awareness and thinking around what you can do to help make a change, remember a small act of kindness can change the world at least for the one person you are kind to.

  • Make eye contact with someone you don’t know and smile to let them know you see them and they aren’t invisible.

  • Send a card, an email or text to a friend, family member or just an acquaintance and not only ask how they are doing but listen to what they say.

  • Find an organization that supports a cause you are passionate about and volunteer or make a note on your calendar to find an opportunity in January when organizations may need the most help.

It is highly likely that you will be a contributing factor in helping to create a miracle for someone as you find the answer to … how can I be kind today? Evolving Matters!


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