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Believe in Yourself and See What Happens!

Believe in Yourself and See What Happens!

Dealing with change can be tough and everyone deals with change differently. There isn’t a magic solution that can be shared to manage through change, even though I know we all wish there was.

So often the one thing that keeps us from moving forward is fear. But fear of what? Is it fear of failure or, crazier yet, fear of success? No one wants to feel like they have failed at anything, but remind me again why?

What’s the worst thing that could happen if you actually failed at something? In her book “A Return to Love”, Marianne Williamson says that “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us.”

What a powerful thought!

Could it be that we are more afraid of the success we could become than of failure? That the power is already within us for greatness, whatever direction you choose?

So many people have been on a path for years that has not been their true calling or purpose or worse yet full of stress and emotionally harmful. The warning signs are generally very visible, pointing for us to change our course which we dismiss year-after-year.

You may even be in the category of individuals dealing with “forced change” or feel the threat of change and uncertainty as so many companies continue every year to restructure, merge, and downsize.

The starting point of this journey includes letting go of limiting beliefs. The limiting beliefs can surface as that negative chatter that influences you into believing that you are not good enough. Isn’t it time to begin to believe in yourself again? What is the limiting belief you are ready to let go of?

The late great Wayne Dyer has said, “If you believe it will work out you see opportunities. If you believe it won’t, you will see obstacles.”

I understand that to mean that it’s about making a shift in how you look at a situation that allows you to begin to see the many opportunities instead of only obstacles standing in your way.

The truth is, there are times when you can begin to heal by simply being still and listening for clarity and other times just need to get up off the couch and move forward.

It’s time to really dig deep and have the courage to uncover and then pursue opportunities that will be fulfilling and much truer to who you are at your core.

  • Take time to focus on yourself. Find 25 minutes every day just for you

  • Acknowledging what you want out loud is a major first step

  • Create a plan to help put steps in place to help you move closer to reaching your goals

Start today!

Begin to believe in yourself and what you have to offer for yourself and others … and then see what happens next! What do you have to lose other than limiting beliefs?!

And always business or in life, Evolving Matters!

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